So, I just turned 40 on Friday. Everyone makes such a big deal about 40 so it’s hard to ignore this as just another birthday. According to the statistics, I am now officially entering mid life and with mid life, comes reflection for many people.
Many 40 year olds are staring down the barrel of another 25 years minimum of corporate servitude. If that isn’t enough to send you into a tail spin I don’t know what is.
Because of the changes made in my early to mid 30’s I am looking at just another 2-3 years of being a corporate clone, before I take the leap to doing more rewarding work, most likely centred around financial advice. And it will probably be part time.
My daughter is now two and a half, and we have a son on the way in December.
If I was still living dollar to dollar I would probably be panicking as to the direction of my life. Another 20 plus years of unsatisfying work and limited time to see my family. Really only seeing them between 6 and 7pm on weekdays, and the weekends. I am not settling for that.
Instead, I am excited about what lies ahead. What we can all do with the newfound time, before it is too late and they have moved out of the house.
I’d much rather spend time practicing art at home with the kids
My job is literally killing me.
I get so busy most days, that I forget to eat or eat unhealthily.
I sit down so much some days that my back injury flares up.
Work gets me so stressed sometimes that I need a drink to take the edge off.
This is not how I want to live.
I want to work a bit, but I want to play a lot more, and I can’t wait.
I am excited about turning 40 and am thankful to my 32 year old self for turning things around and giving me this opportunity to live my best life where my days are filled with things that bring me great joy. That is the power of financial independence.
The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here