All calculators are downloadable Excel spreadsheets that allow you to save and amend your own personal data.

What tax code am i on calculator

This calculator allows you to determine what tax code you are on based on your source(s) of income.

A few notes. This calculator doesn’t include NZ veteran’s income, casual agricultural work, or election day work. NZ Super tax code is also not included. We have a separate calculator just for NZ Super, so do check that out.

This calculator is self populating, so depending on how you answer the previous question it may open up more questions for you to answer. The questions will appear in column B and you just have to answer in column C from the drop down menus. If there is no question in column B, there will be no drop down options available in column C in the corresponding row.

For personalised advice on any financial decisions you are considering, then get in touch for a no obligations chat to see how we may be able to add value for you.

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