How much money will I have in KiwiSaver at retirement?
I am pleased to announce yet another new addition to the website resources.
Another calculator, this one in the form of KiwiSaver calculations.
I haven’t come across one with the level of detail you will find with this one.
Not only can you enter your income, contribution percentages, expected investment returns, and expected income inflation like other KiwiSaver calculators, you can also:
Change your investment return assumptions for whatever year you like. For example, when close to buying a house or withdrawing KiwiSaver you may want to use a lower investment return assumption. Other calculators assume a constant rate of return which isn’t practical for most.
Change your income any year you like. For example, when you expect to have a child you may want to reduce your income whilst you take time off work. Or perhaps you expect several promotions. Other calculators assume a straight line increase every year with inflation. Again, this isn’t always practical for many.
Add voluntary contributions any year you like.
Add withdrawals, such as for a house or retirement, any year you like.
See how much of your KiwiSaver balance is made up from employee contributions, employer contributions, government contributions, and investment returns.
Keep your own copy. Being an excel file, you can save and keep the information for your own records.
You can find the calculator here.
Have fun playing around with the different variables and the impact changes can make.
If you have any feedback on this calculator, or ideas for new calculators, let me know. I love to hear your feedback.
If you need KiwiSaver fund recommendations , then get in touch today.
The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here