Your Money Blueprint

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There will come a time where you wished you had financial independence

The best thing about financial independence that I can see is the fact that it provides you with options. You can work where you want and do what you want to do, within reason. You can live your life the way you want to live it. You aren’t forced to work in a job you don’t like. You aren’t forced to put up with a bad boss. Financial independence allows you to make much bolder decisions to move on than you would have been able to make if you were so reliant on an income. You won’t get stuck in bad situations because of your finances. It’s very freeing.

So why is this so important to me?

Because this is life. The more we can live on our terms the better. And our terms are ever changing. Things I value and enjoy now are not all the same things I valued and enjoyed 10 years ago. Nor will the things I value and enjoy today be the same in another 10 years. Our tastes and preferences evolve over time. Just because we like something now doesn’t mean we will in the future.

You may be happy with your job now. But what if things change? A new toxic employee. New stringent reporting. New unrealistic targets. Job cuts. All of a sudden you will wish you had a back up.

Wouldn’t it be great for when that time does come in the future to be in a position to grab it with both hands and do more of it, instead of stuck doing the thing we no longer like? Financial independence allows this.

The message is even if financial independence is not right for you right now, chances are it will come in bloody handy at some stage in the future when your circumstances change. And they will change.

The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here