Job update
Today I just have a short work development to announce.
The company has created a new role that has been created based on my recommendations. It is a role that really plays to my analytical strengths. Even better is that I will no longer be managing any employees and stuck in the day-to-day Operations grind.
For anyone that has had an Operational role in a company, you will know what I am talking about when it is a job about putting out fires all day every day. Almost 20 years of that is enough for me.
It’s great to have the time now to add some real value for the company and I get to do more of what I am good at and what I enjoy.
To do such a good job on something to have a new company role created for is quite rewarding and it is a win win for all involved.
Having savings can mean bold career moves
It all ties back to money though in that if we were living dollar to dollar, I probably would have continued to plod along and not risk rocking the boat out of fear of job security.
Having financial backing has allowed me to make bolder moves in the workplace and ask for what I want. I was willing to walk for this. I was also more willing to take chances at work at things that I thought would add a lot of value for the company and it paid off. By taking the chances, I have created an opportunity that no one had ever thought existed until now.
Who knows, maybe this could be a role that could turn into a remote job with our transition to Northland next year. I have nothing to lose by asking and I will be putting that forward if I think it’s a good idea at the time. In fact, I am enjoying the new role so much now, that I really hope I can continue as long as the company allows and as long as I enjoy it. I don’t necessarily need the job, but I want it for now.
Of course I will continue to save money. Just because I am enjoying work, it doesn’t mean I will spend up large. I know all too well that situations can and do change in an instant where jobs are no longer enjoyable or secure. When that happens, it’s great to have the financial security to carry on with life. Too many who enjoy their jobs don’t think about tomorrow, then when they no longer enjoy their work for whatever reason, they have no choice but to stick it out due to financial burdens.
But it does feel great to have found a role for now that I really enjoy and even if fully financially independent, probably wouldn’t want to leave.
F U money means there is no downside, only upside, and fortune does favour those who dare.