Your Money Blueprint

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New investment fees calculator

Just a quick update today.

We’ve recently uploaded a new calculator on the website. It’s a summary of the impact of investment fees on your investment returns.

The first sheet is a grid and shows how much extra you will pay in fees every year for up to 40 years using different rates of return and different opening balances. It shows the difference between 0.3% fees and 2% fees and some variations in between. The differences shown as both percentages and dollar amounts. This sheet doesn’t show regular contributions though, because that changes too many variables. That information is on the second and third tabs.

On the second tab is where you can see your actual investment balances each year as well as the fees you are paying at different fee rates. This sheet does include your regular contributions (if any).

The third tab is a neat summary where all the information is tied together. The closing investment balance of the different fee structures, and the difference in closing investment balance between the different fee structures.

It’s probably the most comprehensive investment fee grid/calculator you will see. If not, your money back! And it really does show the impact of small changes over time.

You can find the calculator on this page, with the header “The impact of investment fees calculator”.

Have a play around, let me know your thoughts. Share the calculator where you think it would be well received.  

If you need help with your financial planning, then get in touch and we may be able to help.

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